More energy, focus & a sunny mood? This is the perfect way to start the day!
More energy, focus & a sunny mood? This is the perfect way to start the day!
The early bird ...packs "to go"
It may sound stuffy, but it's true: a stress-free morning starts in the evening. Because the first hour after getting up is the most decisive and sets the course for the ones which are to follow.
If you take time in the morning for what is good for you and internalise a few easy routines, you will start the day more productive and more relaxed.
That's why it's best to have the age-old dilemma of "wardrobe full but nothing to wear?" already resolved in the morning. To save yourself unnecessary hectic, it's best to have your clothes and accessories ready before you go to bed - or hang them up. So that there are no wrinkled surprises to iron out the next morning!
In addition, set up a fixed place - preferably near the door of your room or flat - where you can deposit things that you must not forget under any circumstances. Umbrella, glasses, documents... Especially helpful when you have to be quick in the morning!
If you are punctual, you have less stress. So far, so logical. Be aware of how much time you really need in the morning (be honest!): 10 minutes to shower, 5 minutes to get dressed, 20 minutes to put on make-up, 30 minutes for breakfast, 10 minutes to prepare for work...? Plan an additional buffer of about 5 to 10 minutes. Then calculate when you would have to get up, for example, if you wanted to leave the house at 8 o'clock. Even if you oversleep, you know exactly how late you will be and can let people know when you arrive. Morning routines like this give your body a sense of security and make it less likely to get stressed. You will benefit from this throughout the day.
Lights on, air in!
The more light, the more awake - this simple equation really works. Because in the dark, our body releases the sleep hormone melatonin.
Daylight reduces the sleep hormone and at the same time triggers the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. Therefore: open the curtains or raise the blinds as soon as the alarm clock rings. This automatically switches the body into "hello-wake-up" mode. The best thing to do is to open the window and let fresh morning air into the room!
For that extra energy kick, sit by the window, on the balcony - all right, or in bed! - For a few minutes, breathe deeply and completely into the belly (belly bulges) and out again (pull the belly button towards the spine).
Researchers have long since proven this: Listening to music you like promotes the release of the happiness hormone dopamine. Coupled with the knowledge that for most people a sound impulse works best to actually wake them up, music in the morning is urgently prescribed! Early-morning sports fans get their dose of power beats by going for a run around the block anyway. But there's no harm in lying down for five to ten minutes and stretching while listening to music. After all, everyday life is stressful enough and your circulation needs a little warm-up. Take a listen to our "Wake Up!" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music - it will wake you up and make you happy, we promise!
Drink up
t should be common knowledge by now that an alternating shower in the morning helps to stimulate the circulation and wake you up faster. But also internally, a small hydro "cure" right after getting up is worthwhile. After all, the body has not consumed any fluids overnight and, according to Ayurvedic healing medicine, is still in the detoxification phase. A glass of warm lemon water boosts the metabolism and supports the immune system. Still water with half a squeezed lemon is recommended so as not to irritate the stomach.
No lemon, no problem: pure water also helps to wake up the body from the inside. If you put a large glass next to your bed in the evening, you will also remember to drink it in the morning.